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Winchester Flooding 2020

Winchester Section 19 Flooding Questionnaire

Message from: Hampshire County Council

Flood and Water Management: 01962 846730

Email: FWM@hants.gov.uk

Dear Resident/Business owner,

Winchester Flooding 2020

Following the significant flooding experienced across Winchester on the 27th August 2020, we are undertaking an investigation into the causes and effects of the flooding, in accordance with the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, this investigation is known as a Section 19 investigation.

The investigation will go into the detail of the cause and impacts of the flooding around Winchester City Centre following the extreme rainfall experienced at the end of August and will use the findings to try and identify actions which will either reduce the likelihood of similar events happening in future or reduce the impacts of those events.

As part of this process, we are keen to make sure we collect as much information as possible to confirm the impacts, how the flooding occurred and any particular issues that you may have identified. To do this, we have prepared a questionnaire to allow us to gather the information in a consistent format and it would be greatly appreciated if you could assist us in completing this.

The questionnaire is available from our website: https://www.hants.gov.uk/landplanningandenvironment/environment/flooding/reportingflooding. If you need assistance in completing this or would like to request the questionnaire in a different format, please do contact us using the above details. This questionnaire does not allow photos or videos to be uploaded but these can be emailed to us at FWM@hants.gov.uk. Please include Winchester S19 in the subject line to allow us to identify these as quickly as possible.

We will not be able to respond to individual queries received at this stage but will update our website to include frequently asked questions and further information as it becomes available.

Please send your responses to the questionnaire to us by Friday 15th January. Although the questionnaire will be closed following this date, we would still be happy to receive information on flooding across the county using the email address provided.

Yours sincerely,

Flood and Water Management Team


Permanent retractable bollards

Anti-Social behaviour

If you parked in the Recreation Ground at Littleton over the Summer you may have noticed the signs and bollards near the front gate. The Parish Council put this in place to counter some anti-social behaviour where groups of people were using the car park and the overflow car park as a racing area for speeding. Additionally, the car drivers were able to get into the lower field and use it to do wheel spins.

The Parish Council is planning to put in two permanent retractable bollards at the entrance to the car park which will only be used in emergency conditions when we need to close the car park for a temporary period. Additionally, we will be considering the locations of the speed bumps to help lower vehicle speed.

The council would like to ask all recreation ground car park visitors to be aware of the pedestrians using the car park, particularly near the entrances and the overflow car park, and keep to the speed limit of 10 mph. If you can walk to the recreation ground rather than driving, please do to minimise traffic.

Thank you.


Traffic update

Traffic Speeds

The Parish Council has been concerned for some time about the speed of traffic in the Parish, and has a shared Speed Limit Reminder Sign which is displayed for two weeks at a time in five locations, two in Littleton and three in Harestock. As it is shared with three other Parish Councils, we believe it is not in our Parish often enough to make a difference to traffic speeds.

A new Speed Indicator Device (SID) has been ordered which will be wholly owned by the Parish Council. We will add three new locations at speed trouble spots including at both ends of Harestock Road, and an additional location in Main Rd. Hampshire Highways have agreed to install new posts for these extra locations and we hope to have the camera in operation from early 2021

Christmas picture

Christmas in Littleton

Festive Fun for Littleton

Sunday 20th December 2020

Dear Neighbours,

An opportunity for some socially distanced Christmas celebrations for all the village to enjoy. We can also take the opportunity to show how generous we are by donating to a local charity.

1.00pm on 20th December 2020

It would be wonderful if we would all make a special effort to decorate our front gardens this year. Let your imaginations run wild or be modest and tasteful. In addition we are asking as many people as possible to make a festive scarecrow (Father Christmas, nativity or pantomime characters etc etc) to display in their front gardens.

The Right Worshipful the Mayor of Winchester, Councillor Patrick Cunningham has kindly agreed to be our judge. He will be walking through the village from 1.00pm on 20th. Perhaps you would like to give him a wave. To enter the competition email Meriel Elford elford@littleton.me.uk by Friday 18th.

6.00pm on 20th

Please come to the end of your front garden with your mulled wine (something softer for the children of course) and mince pies in hand. Bring along some form of lighting (torch, fairy lights etc) so that we can see each other. Then we can all join in singing “We wish you a Merry Christmas” at
6.00pm on 20th


We are all so aware that this year has not been easy for anyone, so to support our friends and neighbours who have struggled that bit more can we please ask you to make a donation big or small to Solent Minds https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/LightUpLittleton

Let’s show what Littleton can do.

Merry Christmas to all from,
Meriel, Elaine, Wendy, Kay, Rebecca and Sheila