Winchester Section 19 Flooding Questionnaire
Message from: Hampshire County Council
Flood and Water Management: 01962 846730
Dear Resident/Business owner,
Winchester Flooding 2020
Following the significant flooding experienced across Winchester on the 27th August 2020, we are undertaking an investigation into the causes and effects of the flooding, in accordance with the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, this investigation is known as a Section 19 investigation.
The investigation will go into the detail of the cause and impacts of the flooding around Winchester City Centre following the extreme rainfall experienced at the end of August and will use the findings to try and identify actions which will either reduce the likelihood of similar events happening in future or reduce the impacts of those events.
As part of this process, we are keen to make sure we collect as much information as possible to confirm the impacts, how the flooding occurred and any particular issues that you may have identified. To do this, we have prepared a questionnaire to allow us to gather the information in a consistent format and it would be greatly appreciated if you could assist us in completing this.
The questionnaire is available from our website: If you need assistance in completing this or would like to request the questionnaire in a different format, please do contact us using the above details. This questionnaire does not allow photos or videos to be uploaded but these can be emailed to us at Please include Winchester S19 in the subject line to allow us to identify these as quickly as possible.
We will not be able to respond to individual queries received at this stage but will update our website to include frequently asked questions and further information as it becomes available.
Please send your responses to the questionnaire to us by Friday 15th January. Although the questionnaire will be closed following this date, we would still be happy to receive information on flooding across the county using the email address provided.
Yours sincerely,
Flood and Water Management Team