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Public Consultation on Traveller Development Plan Document

Public Consultation on Traveller Development Plan Document


Notification under the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012

Winchester City Council has been working to develop a Traveller Development Plan Document (Traveller DPD).  The Plan covers the Winchester City Council area, excluding the part in the South Downs National Park, and follows the policies set out in Local Plan Part 1 (2013) and Local Plan Part 2 (2017).  In particular, it aims to meet needs for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation as required by Local Plan Part 1 (Policy CP5) and detailed in Local Plan Part 2 (Policy DM4).

The Traveller Plan, together with the Sustainability Appraisal / Strategic Environmental Assessment (SA/SEA) and the Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA), is available for comment for a period of 6 weeks from 15th January until midnight Monday 26 February 2018, these documents can be viewed at:

•      Online on the City Council’s website – http://www.winchester.gov.uk/planning-policy/traveller-dpd


A paper copy of the Traveller Plan and non-technical summary of the SA/SEA can be inspected at:

  • At Winchester City Council’s City Offices, Colebrook Street, Winchester, SO23 9LJ Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 5.00pm and Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm.

•      At local libraries

–       Winchester Discovery Centre, Jewry Street, Winchester

–       Stanmore Community Library, Carroll Centre, Somers Close

–       Alresford Library, Broad Street, New Alresford

–       Bishops Waltham Library, Free Street, Bishops Waltham

–       Waterlooville Library, The Precinct, Waterlooville

–       Eastleigh Library, The Swan Centre, Eastleigh

–       Fareham Library, Osborn Road, Fareham

Opening times can be found at Hampshire County Council website.

As well as commenting on the Traveller DPD, there is an opportunity to suggest other sites for traveller accommodation.  As it has not been possible to identify sufficient sites to meet in full the need for Travelling Showperson’s accommodation, suggestions of sites that are suitable and available for this type of accommodation will be particularly useful.

You can complete an online comment form at:https://winchester.citizenspace.com/policy-and-planning/winchesterg-t-dpd-pre-sub.   Alternatively, you can comment using the form provided on the website or by email to LDF@winchester.gov.uk.  Paper copies, for return to City Offices at the above address, are available at the places where the Plan can be inspected.

Please be aware that we cannot accept anonymous comments – all comments we receive will be included on our website (including your name but not your address or email details).

Following completion of this consultation, it is the intention to submit the DPD to the Planning Inspectorate for Examination during May 2018.