BT states that the overall use of payphones has reduced by more than 90% in the last decade and the need to provide payphones for emergency situations is falling, with at least 98% of the UK having either 3G or 4G coverage.
BT advises that as long as there is network coverage, it is possible to call emergency services even when there is no credit or no coverage from your own mobile provider.
On 27 September 2016, BT posted a notice on the Littleton payphone proposed for removal, advising of their proposals. Under Ofcom regulations, WCC now has responsibility for carrying out a consultation with the local community on BTs proposals.
We are therefore seeking your comments on the proposed removal of any of the public payphones.
We would emphasise that you should be aware that BT requires justification for any objection made to the removal of a payphone. For example, there may be no mobile coverage in a particular area; the payphone may be well used by residents or the passing public; or it may be located close to an accident blackspot. Unfortunately the last recorded use of this payphone by BT was in 2012.
Any comments should be made to: