Aggregate Recycling Facility Planning Applications

You may recall that the aggregate recycling facility at Three Maids Hill was refused by the Hampshire County Council Regulatory Commitee earlier this year, however the council now understand that it has gone to appeal.

You may not be aware that there was another recycling facility application that was submitted before the Three Maids Hill application for which a decision was not made. This application was at Down Farm, Down Farm Lane just off the Three Maids Hill roundabout, and is available at The Parish Council submitted a written objection on 21st July 2020; however, the application has recently been modified and the council has submitted a further response available here or below. Although the consultation period for this application has closed, the strategic planning department have said they will still accept public responses submitted via their email address,

Should you wish to comment please reference the application number 20/01188/HCS and include your name and address as anonymous representations will not be accepted by Hampshire County Council.

Lisa Fielding

Clerk and RFO, Littleton & Harestock Parish Council / 01962 88650