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Public Consultation on Traveller Development Plan Document

Public Consultation on Traveller Development Plan Document


Notification under the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012

Winchester City Council has been working to develop a Traveller Development Plan Document (Traveller DPD).  The Plan covers the Winchester City Council area, excluding the part in the South Downs National Park, and follows the policies set out in Local Plan Part 1 (2013) and Local Plan Part 2 (2017).  In particular, it aims to meet needs for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation as required by Local Plan Part 1 (Policy CP5) and detailed in Local Plan Part 2 (Policy DM4).

The Traveller Plan, together with the Sustainability Appraisal / Strategic Environmental Assessment (SA/SEA) and the Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA), is available for comment for a period of 6 weeks from 15th January until midnight Monday 26 February 2018, these documents can be viewed at:

•      Online on the City Council’s website – http://www.winchester.gov.uk/planning-policy/traveller-dpd


A paper copy of the Traveller Plan and non-technical summary of the SA/SEA can be inspected at:

  • At Winchester City Council’s City Offices, Colebrook Street, Winchester, SO23 9LJ Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 5.00pm and Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm.

•      At local libraries

–       Winchester Discovery Centre, Jewry Street, Winchester

–       Stanmore Community Library, Carroll Centre, Somers Close

–       Alresford Library, Broad Street, New Alresford

–       Bishops Waltham Library, Free Street, Bishops Waltham

–       Waterlooville Library, The Precinct, Waterlooville

–       Eastleigh Library, The Swan Centre, Eastleigh

–       Fareham Library, Osborn Road, Fareham

Opening times can be found at Hampshire County Council website.

As well as commenting on the Traveller DPD, there is an opportunity to suggest other sites for traveller accommodation.  As it has not been possible to identify sufficient sites to meet in full the need for Travelling Showperson’s accommodation, suggestions of sites that are suitable and available for this type of accommodation will be particularly useful.

You can complete an online comment form at:https://winchester.citizenspace.com/policy-and-planning/winchesterg-t-dpd-pre-sub.   Alternatively, you can comment using the form provided on the website or by email to LDF@winchester.gov.uk.  Paper copies, for return to City Offices at the above address, are available at the places where the Plan can be inspected.

Please be aware that we cannot accept anonymous comments – all comments we receive will be included on our website (including your name but not your address or email details).

Following completion of this consultation, it is the intention to submit the DPD to the Planning Inspectorate for Examination during May 2018.

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Community Safety and Neighbourhood Services latest edition

Community Safety and Neighbourhood Services latest edition

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January 2018


Welcome to the Winchester Community Safety Partnership e-bulletin. The aim of this bulletin is to update partners on a quarterly basis about what the partnership has been involved in and what is available to view on the Partnership website.  The Website can be accessed using the following link; http://www.winchester.gov.uk/community-safety-and-neighbourhood-services

The decisions about the content of this bulletin is largely based upon what is happening in the news, locally and nationally. We also include campaigns that are scheduled in the upcoming months in order to offer local advice. Over the coming months two national awareness events are taking place, National Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week and National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day. Nearly half a million adults are sexually assaulted in England and Wales each year and only around 15% of those who experience sexual violence choose to report to the police. By choosing these two campaigns the CSP hopes to raise awareness of these subjects whilst encouraging greater reporting of the issue and highlighting local support being offered.

We hope you find this edition useful and welcome any feedback, our contact details can be found at the end of the bulletin.

What is Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault is any sexual act that a person did not consent to, or is forced into against their will. It is a form of sexual violence and includes rape and other sexual offences, such as groping, forced kissing, child sexual abuse or the torture of a person in a sexual manner. This includes sexual touching of any part of someone’s body, and it makes no difference whether you’re wearing clothes or not.

Many sexual assaults are carried out by someone known to the victim. This could be a partner, former partner, relative, friend or colleague. The assault may happen in many places, but is commonly in the victims home or the home of the alleged perpetrator.

Anyone can be sexually assaulted and both men and women can commit sexual assault.

What is Domestic Abuse?

Domestic Abuse is described as any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse, degrading and violent behaviour, including sexual violence, between those who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members regardless of gender and sexuality. The abuse can encompass, but is not limited to psychological, physical, sexual, financial and emotional.

Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week

5th – 11th February 2018 marks Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week.  This is the UK’s annual week dedicated to bring together organisations and communities to promote awareness of sexual abuse and sexual violence.


What is Child Sexual Abuse and Child Sexual Exploitation?

Child abuse can happen in different ways, and can include neglect as well as physical, emotional and sexual abuse. In many cases, people experience more than one type of abuse.

Child sexual exploitation (CSE) is a form of sexual abuse that involves the manipulation and/or coercion of young people under the age of 18 into sexual activity.

Children and young people who are sexual exploited and/or trafficked can be heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual, they can be female, male or transgender.

However, many of those who are victimised may be reluctant to disclose offences or seek support, often due to stigma, prejudice or embarrassment or the fear that they will not be believed. They may see themselves as able to protect themselves but in cases of CSE physical stature is irrelevant due to the coercion and manipulation used.

National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day

The National Child Sexual Exploitation Day aims to highlight the issues surrounding CSE, encouraging everyone to think, spot and speak out against abuse and adopt a zero tolerance to adults developing inappropriate relationships with children or children developing inappropriate relationships with other children.

National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day are committed to the fight against CSE and supporting victims and their families who are subjected to child sexual exploitation.


County lines: protecting vulnerable people from exploitation

The Home Office is working with partners to raise awareness of county lines, this is something Hampshire police are focusing on in the district. They have developed a range of materials to help statutory and non-statutory staff identify victims and report concerns to protect those exploited through this criminal activity.


Who can I speak to in Hampshire?

Hampshire has a confidential help service for women, men, children and young people experiencing domestic abuse.

There is a Hampshire based helpline; 03300 165 112

The Integrated Domestic Abuse Service for Hampshire (IDASH) provides refuge, resettlement, outreach and domestic violence support.

Residents of East Hants, Fareham, Gosport and Havant can email for support or further informatuion to; spoc@southerndas.org

For the rest of Hampshire, including Winchester contact; spoc@theyoutrust.org.uk


Winchester Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre

The Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre (RASAC) offers a free, confidential listening and support service for female and male’s, both adults and under 18s who have suffered some degree of sexual abuse or sexual assault at any time in their lives.

They also offer an information and advice line for anyone who wants signposting on other services or advice as to where or what to do if they encounter sexual abuse or have any questions about sexual abuse or sexual assault. They also have a text and email service for those who wish to make contact and don’t like using the phone.

Advice line; 01962 868 688 / 01962 864 433


For a comprehensive list of support available in the South East please follow the link to The Survivors Trust website

Winchester domestic abuse forum hosted White Ribbon event

Thursday 23rd November 2017 saw Winchester joining the national White Ribbon campaign – a global movement raising awareness of violence against women and girls.

Representatives from a number of partner agencies were in  the city center asking people to support the campaign by wearing a white ribbon – the national symbol of the movement and displaying hearts, handmade by the women’s art group from local charity Trinity Winchester. Many of the women in the group have been victims of domestic abuse and want to raise the issue.

Cllr Lisa Griffiths said;
‘We are very pleased to be supporting the White Ribbon campaign again this year. On average, two women a week in England and Wales are killed by a violent partner or x-partner. This constitutes nearly 40 percent of all female homicide victims. We hope that by bringing the White Ribbon campaign to Winchester we can raise awareness and help the community to understand the scale of the problem.’

Hannah Scott, service delivery manager at Trinity Winchester said;
‘it is estimated that domestic abuse affects one in four women. Please show your support by wearing a white ribbon and join the thousands who pledge never to commit, condone or remain silent about such violence.’

For more information visit; https://www.whiteribbon.org.uk/

For more information contact Hannah Scott hannah@trinitywinchester.org.uk / Phone; 01962 842 827

Coming up in the next few months

5th – 11th February 2018
Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week 
You can check out the website; http://sexualabuseandsexualviolenceawarenessweek.org/
Also, be sure to look out for and use the hashtag #ITSNOTOK on Twitter.

Tuesday 6th February 2018
Safer Internet Day
With the slogan; ‘Create, Connect and Share Respect. A better internet starts with you’, safer internet day 2018 will be celebrated globally.
Safer Internet Day promotes the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people and inspire a national conversation.
Coordinated in the UK by the UK safer internet centre the celebration sees hundreds of organisations get involved to help promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people.

Sunday 18th March 2018.
National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day 
You can check out the website; http://www.stop-cse.org/national-child-exploitation-awareness-day/

And Finally

We would like to remind you that the Partnership aims to pass on useful information. In order to do this we need your assistance. We would like to offer partners the opportunity to provide us with a summary and a link you their websites. We need as many of you to submit your details to us in order to make the information provided as broad as possible. Please contact Lucy Spence at lspence@winchester.gov.uk with a short summary of the service you provide and the link to your website if you wish to take this offer up.

Additionally if you would like to add a direct link to the Winchester Community Partnership webpages from your own organisation’s website please use the link provided below:


If you require further information about any of the topis highlighted please conatct the Community Safety Team at communitysafety@winchester.gov.uk or telephone 01962 848 222.

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Winchester Sport and Leisure Park project

Working with architects, the City Council have now developed an outline vision for the site at Bar End, along with some concept designs of the proposed Leisure Centre.

We have been running some engagements events over the last fortnight and the display boards that have been on show can be viewed on the Council’s website. We are asking for feedback and a questionnaire to accompany the exhibition can be accessed via the same page.

We have also produced a project update broadsheet which contains all of the latest news and this can be viewed here: http://www.winchester.gov.uk/projects/consultation

We do have printed copies of this publication and, if you feel it would be of interest, we can arrange for copies to be sent to you so that they can be distributed in local venues i.e. parish halls, doctors surgeries, etc within your communities. Please let me know if you would like copies to be sent to you and if so, how many you would like

We have one more engagement event in the City Centre which is taking place on Saturday 6 January 2018, in Winchester Guildhall, between 10am and 4pm. We are also going to be holding events on Wednesday 17 January 2018 as follows:

· Bishops Waltham – The Kings Church, High Street, SO32 1AA between 10am and 1pm

· Whiteley – Meadowside Leisure Centre, Whiteley Way, Fareham PO15 7LJ between 2.30pm and 5.30pm