
March e-newsletter

You can read the Littleton and Harestock Parish Council March e-newsletter here.

Update: The Parish Council Office will now reopen on Monday 4th April instead of 29th March.

Please note, the Parish Council sometimes provides links to third party websites. LHPC is not responsible for the content on the linked sites and we urge our users to be careful when clicking on any advertising that third party websites contain. Here is a link to some useful tips from Age UK for staying safe online.

Littleton and Harestock Councillors

Parish Council Casual Vacancy Notice

Littleton and Harestock Parish Council has a vacancy for a councillor in the Harestock ward caused by a recent councillor resignatation. If you are interested in becoming more involved with the local community and having an input in local decisions, we would be delighted if you would like to apply.

We welcome all applications; however, we would be particularly pleased to receive applications from parishioners in Harestock to ensure that matters of concern for Harestock residents can be fully represented on the council.