Image of rain by George Hodan

Flood Prevention Measures

Hampshire Highways have cleared the gullies and drains in Main Rd, Littleton on Thursday and Friday last week.

Also, the roadworks to deal with flooding issues outside 13, 15 and 17 Priors Dean Road at the junction with Bradley Rd should be finished on 29th January.

Hampshire County Council logo

Application (20/01765/HCS) for an Inert Waste Recycling Facility at Land at Three Maids Hill

The Hampshire County Council Regulatory Committee for County Level Planning Applications rejected the application for the aggregate recycling centre at Three Maids Hill.  It is likely there will be an Appeal.  At the time of writing, it is unclear what this decision means for the second aggregate crusher application for Down Farm about 450m further east.  Updates will be posted on the LHPC Website.

To view the proceedings of the regulatory committee meeting please look at the Youtube link here.

Please find a link below to the planning application, where the decision can be viewed:-

Covid-19 Vaccine Notice



Parish Office, The Hall Way, Littleton 1st April 2021

COVID-19 Roadmap out of lockdown – Step 1


  • You should stay 2 metres apart from anyone who is not in your household or support bubble where possible, or 1 metre with extra precautions in place (such as wearing face coverings) if you cannot stay 2 metres apart.
  • You must not meet indoors with anybody you do not live with or have formed a support bubble
  • You can meet outdoors either in a group of 6 (from any number of households), or in a group of any size from up to 2 households (a household can include an existing support bubble, if eligible).
  • you can take part in formally organised outdoor sports with any number of people (outdoor sports venues and facilities will be able to reopen).
  • You should continue to work from home where you can.
  • School pupils and students in further education should attend school and college.
  • To help protect yourself and your friends, family, and community you should continue to follow all of the government guidance even if you’ve been vaccinated against COVID-19.

For more details see:

Littleton & Harestock Parish Council Facilities

Status as at: 1st April 2021
  • Littleton and Harestock Children’s Playgrounds.      


  • Mini-Library Main Road Littleton


  • Littleton Parkour (Free Running facility)      


  • Littleton Netball area                                                  


  • Littleton Adult Gym Equipment.      


  • Littleton Recreation Ground Pavillion.


  • Parish Council Office


  • Open Spaces. Please use the open spaces for walking, running and well-being purposes.  Follow Government advice about social distancing.
  • Littleton Recreation Ground.      


Littleton Tumulus Ground.         


Harestock Road Football Ground.


Littleton Recreation Ground Car Park.


  • Dog Walking. Place dog waste ONLY in the dog bins (as available).

Littleton & Harestock Parish Council


Parish Council Contacts

01962 886507

During Parish Office Hours (9-12:30), and answerphone at other times. During lock down, please call 07785 393531.

07709 988 556

If all else fails – leave a message for Parish Council Chairman. (Checked frequently.)


Littleton Community WhatsApp Group






To join the Littleton Community WhatsApp group please contact the Parish Clerk at

Mutual Aid
Covid Mutual Aid UK is a group of volunteers supporting local community groups organising mutual aid throughout the Covid-19 outbreak in the UK.

Harestock Mutual Aid WhatsApp Group

To join the Harestock Mutual Aid WhatsApp group please message Stephanie on 07779 224513.

For Littleton and Harestock specific Facebook Mutual Aid Groups see:-

Hampshire Coronavirus Support and Helpline

0333 370 4000

The Hampshire Coronavirus Support and Helpline remains operational to provide support and advice to any Hampshire resident who has been impacted by Covid-19, including those who are self-isolating or shielding.

The helpline is open 7 days a week 9am – 5pm.

People can also request a call-back from the helpline by completing the call-back request form.

The Connect to Support Hampshire website has a Coronavirus resource page with information to help you on a range of topics.


  • HIGH TEMPERATURE. You feel hot to touch on your chest or back.
  • NEW, CONTINUOUS COUGH. Coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual).
  • TASTE or SMELL CHANGES. A loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia).

If you have any of the symptoms above you must self isolate and arrange to have a test.


Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital.

Telephone 111, or use the 111 online coronavirus service ( for advice.

Covid Scam Alert image

COVID Vaccination Scam Alert

We have been informed by Hampshire Safeguarding Adults’ Board that there is a new scam where a person receives a text saying they need to book a vaccination appointment and it takes them to a fake NHS form which then asks for their bank details to prove their identity. The scam has been reported in the media here.

The NHS will never ask for a person’s banking information.

There is a texting scam leaflet you can download here.