Month: September 2018

Bench in Memory of Littleton Resident Alan Brookes
31st August 2018
A Memorial bench was unveiled in Littleton Recreation Ground on Friday afternoon in honour of Alan Brookes who was a very active member of the village community and had been the chairman of the Littleton and Harestock Show Committee.
Family and friends of Alan gathered to celebrate the dedication of the bench in his memory. The oak bench was purchased by Littleton and Harestock Parish Council from the charitable funds awarded to it by the Show Committee from the proceeds of the show in 2017. The engraving of the various names by which Alan was known – Alan, Dad & Granfa – was chosen by his family, and placed beneath a plaque from the Parish Council and the Show Committee.
The bench, which has been placed in view of the cricket pitch in the recreation ground, will serve as a lasting tribute to Alan who lived in Littleton. He loved this open space as well as the many community activities hosted here.
The event took place on a pleasant sunny afternoon on the eve of this year’s show, attended by his widow Rose, his children and grandchildren, some of his nieces and nephews, and many of his friends.
The current chairman of the Show Committee Tony Ormston opened proceedings with a welcome and warm words about Alan’s immense contribution to the show over the years. Mrs Brookes replied, thanking all concerned for the beautiful bench. Patrick Cunningham, representing the Parish Council, thanked everyone for attending and guests were invited to tea in the pavilion.

Annual reminder for Riparian owners to carry out maintenance
This is the time of year when we need to think about the state of Hampshire’s land drainage network. As the rain begins in earnest and leaves begin to fall, all riparian owners (those who have watercourses on or bordering their properties) across Hampshire, and beyond, should be looking at the state of their drainage ditches, pipes, culverts and other watercourses to ensure there is unobstructed conveyance of rain water and a reduced risk of localised flooding.
Please find attached a poster detailing what responsibilities riparian owners have and guidance on how to undertake this maintenance to reduce flooding from surface water after a rain event.
If you have any further enquiries regarding this or any other areas of flood risk management, please visit our website at