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Public Consultation: Central Winchester Regeneration Supplementary Planning Document

Public Consultation on draft Central Winchester Regeneration Supplementary Planning Document


Notification under the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012


Winchester City Council is consulting on a draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for the Central Winchester Regeneration Area (CWR Area). Pending approval from the Council’s Cabinet on 6 December 2017, formal consultation will commence on 11 December 2017.  The draft SPD has been prepared for Winchester City Council by JTP architects and masterplanners to set out a vision and urban design framework for the future development of the CWR Area.  The document will, once adopted, provide design guidance for development in the CWR Area and will supplement the Winchester District Local Plan Part 1 (2013) and Part 2 (2017).

The draft SPD can be viewed:

·         Online at the Council’s website – winchester.gov.uk/CWR

·         At the public exhibition – Monday 11 December between 2pm and 9pm at Winchester Guildhall

·         At the follow up exhibitions between 10 and 16 January in various locations across the district including Bishops Waltham, Alresford and Winchester Train Station.

·         At Winchester City Council’s City Offices, Colebrook Street, Winchester, SO23 9LJ Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 5.00pm and Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm

·         At local libraries:

­       Winchester Discovery Centre, Jewry Street, Winchester

­       Stanmore Community Library, Carroll Centre, Somers Close

­       Alresford Library, Broad Street, New Alresford

­       Bishops Waltham Library, Free Street Bishops Waltham

­       Waterlooville Library, The Precinct, Waterlooville

­       Eastleigh Library, The Swan Centre, Eastleigh

­       Fareham Library, Osborn Road, Fareham

­       Romsey Library, Station Road, Romsey

–      Chandlers Ford Library, Oakmount Road, Chandler’s Ford, Eastleigh

Opening times can be found on the Hampshire County Council website.

Feedback should preferably be submitted using the online comment form at: winchester.gov.uk/CWRfeedback.  Alternatively, you can comment using the form on the Council’s website which can be downloaded, printed and returned to the Council via the freepost address detailed on the form. Forms are available at the places where the SPD can be inspected.  You can also comment by email to CWRegen@winchester.gov.uk or in person by completing the form during exhibitions or write to us at:

Freepost Plus RTLH-KXUA-SEEC

Central Winchester Regeneration



SO23 9ZT

All comments must be received by 12 noon on 5 February 2018.

Please be aware that we cannot accept anonymous comments – all comments we receive will be included on our website (including your name but not your address or email details).

If you wish to be notified of the adoption of the SPD please include your contact details with your response.

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Consultation briefing – Winchester Movement Strategy

Have your say on local travel and transport here:



Consultation briefing – Winchester Movement Strategy

Name of consultation: City of Winchester Movement Strategy Consultation

Period of consultation: Midday, Monday 30 October 2017 to 11:59pm Friday 8
December 2017

What is being consulted on
This is a joint consultation. Hampshire County Council and Winchester City Council
are seeking residents’ and stakeholders’ views on travel and transport constraints
within Winchester, and how these might be addressed to improve movement
throughout the City.

The consultation seeks to clarify the key priorities for movement across the City and
to gather ideas for how these priorities could be addressed.”

Consultation feedback will help to inform a new Movement Strategy for Winchester,
which will set out priorities and options for change over the next 20-30 years.

Key messages:

This is an early stage consultation. Currently, nothing has been decided and the
suggested priorities and examples within the Information Pack are primarily
included to provide a context for responses. Depending on the outcomes of the
consultation and other evidence gathered during this part of the development
process, they may or may not be taken forwards.

This strategy has the potential to impact on everyone who lives in, works in, visits
or passes through Winchester, whether travelling by car, or public transport, on
bike or by foot. Therefore, it’s important that everyone’s voices are heard.

We are aware that the challenges and constraints are potentially difficult to
resolve, but having a robust and widely supported Strategy will help inform local
authority decisions and support future funding bids that could enable significant
infrastructure improvements.

We would encourage everyone to read the Information Pack before submitting
their response.


A range of consultation exercises will be carried out to ensure that all residents and
stakeholders have the opportunity to tell us their views. We expect calls to primarily
relate to the open public consultation, but you may receive occasional queries about
the other two parts.

Open Public Consultation
This part of the process is open to everyone. All information can be found online at:


and also accessed via: www.hants.gov.uk/consultations

People should be encouraged to submit their feedback via the consultation
Response Form, which can also be found on these pages.
If people aren’t able to respond online, they can request a paper copy Response
Form from strategic.transport@hants.gov.uk or by phoning Hampshire County
Council on Tel: 0300 555 1388*

The Information Pack and Response Form can also be made available in other
formats, such as Braille, audit, Easy Read or large print; again on request as detailed

Freepost envelopes will be provided with hard copy response forms. If envelopes are
lost or misplaced, responses can be posted to: Freepost HAMPSHIRE.
Telephone Survey

This part of the consultation is by invitation only. Winchester residents will be chosen
at random to share their views in a telephone survey aiming to ensure a
representative sample of local people. The survey will be conducted by independent
consultants Atkins, Hampshire County Council’s Strategic Partner, during late
October and November 2017.

Stakeholder Events
This part of the consultation is by invitation only. Stakeholder workshops will be held
to hear and understand the views of delivery partners, local interest groups and
elected Members of Hampshire County Council and Winchester City Council as part
of this consultation.

Following the consultation
A summary of the responses to this consultation and the analysis will be made
available to the public on the www.hants.gov.uk/winchestermovementstrategy

Once results are collated and considered, a draft movement strategy will be
developed. This will be subject to a further round of consultation in 2018.
Contact for further information

Hampshire County Council’s strategic transport team will handle requests and
queries via: strategic.transport@hants.gov.uk

Please also refer any requests for paper copies to this email address.

An FAQs document has been provided to assist with dealing with enquiries. This
document will be updated over the course of the consultation to reflect any new or
emerging issues, and will be made available on the consultation website

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Advice regarding Nottingham Knockers

It has been bought to our attention that a group historically known as ‘Nottingham Knockers’ are operating in the Winchester area. They are normally ex-offenders who claim that they are working with a pedlars certificate. Essentially they work to a gang master who will bring a group to a specific area and drop off. The individuals then go off selling door to door before getting picked up and taken to another area. While there are periodically allegations of abusive behaviour by those selling at the door if a householder refuses to buy goods, these incidents are the exception rather than the norm.

The advice is not to open the door to strangers or buy or sell on the doorstep. If a householder is abused or threatened on their own doorstep then they should be calling the police, 101 or 999 if they feel particularly vulnerable by the intimidating behaviour.

They can also contact Hampshire Trading Standards; 03454 04 05 06
