Month: April 2017

Annual Public Assembly Meeting – 8 May 2017
Operation Resilience – W720 – Littleton Lane
Operation Resilience – W720 – Littleton Lane, Littleton – Advance Scheme Notification – Haunching
Following on from the haunching works that were carried out last year, some minor remedial works on Littleton Lane from Church Road to Stud Lane are now required. I would like to reassure you that the costs to carry out these works will be paid for by the contractor.
The works are programmed to start on 11 April 2017 and are expected to last for 2 working days. In order to undertake the works safely it will be necessary to close the road during which time access for residents and businesses will be limited.
Information signs advising road users of the works will be erected approximately 1 weeks before the start of works. A letter will be sent to local residents and an email will be sent to Crawley, Littleton and Harestock Parish Council, to advise them accordingly.
Should you have any questions or require further information please contact the Operation Resilience team on 01962 813063 or email operation.resilience@hants.