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Winchester City Council – consultation on changes to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2021/22

Winchester City Council is considering the implementation of a new Council Tax Reduction scheme within the City Council’s area from 2021/22. The reason for the change is the effect of the roll out of Universal Credit which is largely incompatible with the current scheme and is based on a traditional means tested benefits approach.

Experience has shown that leaving the scheme the same will have an adverse effect on both taxpayers claiming Council Tax Reduction and the overall Council Tax collection levels.

Details of the simplified banding scheme are available with the public consultation survey (please see below). The main aims of the changes are:

· to improve transparency in the process for claiming;
· to reduce the level of administration currently required for claims;
· to support the most vulnerable residents in the district;
· to assist in the collection of Council Tax; and
· wherever possible, to maintain the same level of support to most applicants.

It is the intention of Winchester City Council to maintain the same overall level of support for this scheme. These changes will not have any detrimental effect to the Council Tax base.

The Council is undertaking a consultation process on these changes and would welcome your comments by 01 November 2020. Further information on the proposed changes is available on the public consultation survey

Please either email Lucy Cobern (Benefits & Welfare Manager) directly on or complete the survey, whichever is more convenient.