What can we do about traffic?

Traffic on Harestock Road
Traffic on Harestock Rd

The Parish Council remains concerned about the amount and type of traffic which passes through our parish. We live on the edge of a busy city where both commercial and residential building works are taking place. It’s not surprising that things are getting busier but that doesn’t mean that we just have to put our fingers in our ears – or our heads in the sand. On the one hand, it is extremely difficult to prevent traffic using roads. They form part of a national network of public highways. Yet there are actions that may help to make our experience of road use better, and the Parish Council has been exploring this for some time and on a number of fronts.

Speed indicator device on Harestock Rd
Speed indicator device on Harestock Rd

For example, we have been collecting data about vehicle speed at various points in the parish using a mobile speed indicator device. This helps us to present a case for lowering the speed limit which can improve safety and, to some extent, noise. Hampshire County Council is recommending lowering the speed limit from 40mph to 30mph on Harestock Road but needs the support of the police to do so. Strangely, if people are driving nearer to 30mph than 40mph on average, they would be more inclined to lend their support. We have also conducted a week-long survey of the traffic along Harestock Road to record volume, speed, vehicle type and peak times. Again, we are using this data to inform decision makers about the impact of traffic on the lives of residents and to make a case for some mitigation of the effects.

Over a number of years, we have explored options for improving the experiences of pedestrians, particularly along roads with no pavements in Littleton. Unfortunately, the costs of addressing this have proven too extensive. We will continue to explore options and may find opportunities associated with the development of the Sir John Moore Barracks.

Finally, the Parish Council has been meeting with those managing the Anaerobic Digester which is being built just beyond the Three Maids Hill Roundabout on the A272. Although the vast majority of their traffic will not travel through our parish, there may be times of the year when farmers will be transporting feedstock from the west, leading to tractor/trailer traffic along Harestock Road. As a result of our discussions, the company is well aware of the need to avoid this as much as possible, to consider alternative routes or methods of transportation and to provide us with information about if/when there is likely to be a short term increase in traffic. To date, there are no planned movements of this sort for 2025.

We will keep talking to the people who make decisions about roads and traffic, will ensure that our local City and County Councillors are aware of the impact of increasing volume and weights of traffic and will continue to seek ways to improve the safety and well-being of residents.