
Littleton & Harestock Show – Saturday 3rd September 2022

The Show Society is pleased to announce that the Littleton and Harestock Show will be returning after a 2-year break caused by Covid. The Flower Show will, as usual, be the centrepiece of the show, with competitions for all – flowers and produce, craft, art and photography. 

There will be an excellent Craft Show this year, with more stalls than ever before and a wider range of crafts on display. 

Music at this year’s show will be provided by the Salisbury Big Band, playing hits from the 1940s to the present day. 

Headline entertainments will include Bird of Prey static and flying displays, a Punch and Judy show, a Fire Juggler, and a giant Scalextric racetrack. The usual range of traditional village fete games will be at the show as well as the dog gymkhana, tombola and the grand raffle. Reg Day’s funfair has kindly agreed to come again to provide entertainment for the little ones. 

The show will, as always, provide fund raising opportunities for local groups including sports clubs, the Scout Group, the WI and about a dozen Charities, who will have stalls at the show. 

Plenty of food outlets this year so come and have lunch with us. 

In response to the huge move away from cash over the last couple of years, we will be operating cashless payment devices at the gate and at some of the stalls, but please bring cash to spend once inside.

We guarantee a fun day out for everyone, so be sure to put these dates in your diary:
Saturday, Sept 3rd: the main show
Sunday, Sept 4th:  the church service in the marquee

HCC logo

20 mph for Hampshire

Hampshire County Council is seeking the views of residents about 20 mph limits within Hampshire.
The County Council is keen to hear from as many residents, businesses and other stakeholders as possible, to find out their views on the implementation of 20mph limits in the context of other highways priorities and the County Council’s statutory duties to maintain the highway in a safe condition within a limited budget.

The findings from the survey, together with data about use of the highway, speed enforcement, road safety and environmental impacts will be important in helping to shape future policy relating to 20mph speed limits in Hampshire and, in turn, future decision-making around 20mph speed limits.

The survey is available at: and should take just 15 minutes to complete.

It is open until midnight on Monday 12 September 2022.

station approach

Winchester City Approach Consultation

On 19 July 2022, the Winchester City Council agreed to restart the Station Approach project and launch a comprehensive and active engagement process working with the community and adjacent landowners.

Regeneration of the Station Approach area with a sustainable mixed-use development has potential to contribute to a vibrant, green economy that revitalises the urban environment with the aim to create welcoming space for those that live locally, travel from the station or visit our City.

The engagement and consultation process has been launched today (1st August) to allow the public, local businesses and stakeholders the opportunity to share their opinions to help shape the future development of Station Approach. The initial stage of engagement will run for 12 weeks up until 21 October.

A website has been created – which features an interactive map for comments as well an online survey for people to tell us what they think. Paper copies of the survey are also available by emailing or calling 0800 148 8911.

Two consultation events are also planned in the Autumn. The first is on Thursday 15th September from 14:00 to 19:00, outside the main entrance to the station, and the second on Saturday 24th September from 10am to 14:00 in a market stall on the High Street.

Summer Timetable for the no 7 Bus Service

The council has been advised that there is a temporary timetable for the no 7 bus service operating from 24th July 2022.

Stagecoach have reported that these changes are being introduced across the Summer Holidays, and will ensure that a full timetable can operate reliably in the light of an ongoing driver shortage across the industry.

The changes are temporary, to run across the Summer Holidays. Stagecoach have said they will continue to review and

aim to restore some service levels again, prior to the start of the new academic year.

The temporary no 7 timetable can be found here.